Monday, August 22, 2011

Cass County Fair

 Our mini tour begins minus Rockin Rusty but adding Laura and Randy Springer. We left DJ 's house and had to make our weekly stop at the local Speedway along the way. After buying cheeto's, coffee and energy drinks (no hot dogs cuz Rockin Rusty wasn't with us) we hit the road again. Jammin Joe and Shaky Sean hoovered the cheetos having to lick all the orange coating off their fingers for another snack. The trip down was uneventful. All the tires and engine were in tact. When we arrived at the fair grounds no one knew where to send us, after anplanned tour of the fairgrounds and campground for about 30 minutes we finally arrived at the stage and unloaded. We had to wait to do our sound check because of the wild animal show that featured a tiger. Once the sound check was done we were ready to ROCK the stage. Just as the show started, in true SH fashion DJ broke a string and of course we couldn't find any this might be one of the few habits he picked up from Mike. During Hick Town Shaky Sean was an animal and broke his kick drum pedal...but HE came prepared with a spare and the show went on. Tina, James and their kids came out to see us, at one point we invited them and a lot of other fans up on the stage to sing Friends In Low Places. Tear down went well until DJ realized he had locked his keys in the trailer. Thankfully he had a spare trailer KEY but had to crawl over the equsipment to get to his truck keys. On the way home The Stolen Horses truck automatically pulled into the Schoolcraft Speedway (the band has frequent flyer points at this place) but Jammin Joe and Pam stepped out of the box and went to McDonalds just down the road. All in all it was a great night, and the addition of Laura on bass and Randy on guitar blended well.

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